Jesus talked more about money and possessions that any other topic other than the kingdom of God itself. Often we can see where our priorities lie when we examine our spending habits.

Here are ways to give:

1) Give Online

Sylvan Hills United Methodist Church offers online giving! You can give to our operating budget, to a memorial fund, or offer a designated gift. Click the "DONATE" button below to donate online or contact our church office for more information on how to give through direct deposit -

You can designate your gift to the general budget or you can choose to fund specific ministries of the church. Each gift is confidential and secure.

2) Give In Person

When you're with us in worship, you can always give during the offering time. Even if you give online, its a beautiful witness to give during worship. For those with children, it is a teaching moment where your young ones can see you model what a life of generosity looks like. 

3) Give Through Mail

Donations by check can be mailed to Sylvan Hills United Methodist Church at 9921 Hwy 107 Sherwood, Arkansas 72120